
Suffering from allergies can happen at any age, even if you never experienced allergy symptoms before. Unfortunately, however, children are often just as prone to allergies as adults, especially if they have family members who suffer from allergies. Unlike adults, children with allergies can’t take many allergy medications because they cause drowsiness or other side effects that are dangerous to children, so their caregivers and physicians have to find the right medication for them. Some children do great on over-the-counter medications such as Benadryl or Claritin, others who suffer from more severe allergies may require prescription strength medications. If your child suffers from allergies, read on to learn more about the best treatments. 

Child Allergy Treatments

  • Allegra-D
  • Vistaril
  • Astelin


Allegra-D is a combination medicine that combines fexofenadine and pseudoephedrine.  Fexofenadine is an antihistamine medication that helps allergy symptoms like itchy, watery eyes and sneezing. Pseudoephedrine is a decongestant that helps relieve symptoms like stuffy nose and ear congestion. This medication is safe for use in kids age 12 and over. Your child can take this medication on an empty stomach, at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal, and it should be taken with water, not with milk or juice. Taking it with milk or juice can decrease the absorption of the drug, which may make it less effective. Side effects include drowsiness and dizziness, and your child may find an empty capsule in their stool, but this is not cause for concern. The medication will have already been absorbed, your child’s stomach simply did not digest the harmless capsule.


  • Treats symptoms likes watery eyes and stuffy nose
  • Should be taken on an empty stomach with water
  • May cause side effects like drowsiness and dizziness


Vistaril, also known as hydroxyzine is a prescription antihistamine that is usually prescribed to treat nervousness caused by mood disorders or anxiety. It is offered in capsule form, but may also be administered by intramuscular injection. It does not treat specific symptoms of allergies; rather it blocks the body’s production of histamine, which happens during an allergic reaction, thus preventing the symptoms in the first place. Side effects include drowsiness and dizziness as well as dry mouth. The dry mouth can be helped by sucking on ice chips or sugar-free candy.


  • Prevents allergy symptoms
  • Causes mild to moderate drowsiness
  • Also used to treat anxiety


Astelin is a nasal spray used to treat allergy symptoms such as itchy or runny nose, nasal congestion, and sneezing. It also helps prevent post-nasal drip. It is an antihistamine, which means it blocks the body’s production of histamine. This medication is great if you’re sensitive to symptom-treatment medications like pseudoephedrine, but it is only available by prescription from your doctor at your local pharmacy. Side effects include drowsiness and dizziness, as well as nasal inflammation if used for too many days in a row. If you want to avoid pseudoephedrine, ask your doctor about Astelin nasal spray.


  • Does not contain pseudoephedrine
  • Causes drowsiness and nasal inflammation
  • Only available with a prescription


Allergies are a pain for anyone, but especially children. Luckily, with these treatments your child can find relief and go back to focusing on the important things, like being a kid.