
Are you in danger of heart attack or stroke? Blood thinners may be able to help women everywhere who are susceptible to blood clots. As blood clots form in the veins, they can loosen and travel to the heart or brain, potentially causing a heart attack or stroke. Being obese, sedentary, having a family history or an existing heart problem can increase your risk of blood clots, as well as pregnancy. That is why it is extremely important to treat women for blood clots in order to prevent further complications. Blood-thinning medications can reduce clots and prevent new ones from forming. If you are concerned about blood clots, read on to learn more about blood thinners for women.

Blood Thinners for Women

  • Eliquis
  • Coumadin
  • Arixtra


Eliquis is one of the most common blood thinners prescribed for women. It is used most commonly in women with atrial fibrillation, a condition in which irregular heartbeats can form blood clots. By eliminating clot formation in the legs so that they cannot travel to the lungs or brain. Side effects of this medication are minimal and include nausea, minor bleeding and some bruising. However, for some patients this medication may be too strong, blocking most clotting proteins which can lead to frequent nosebleeds or death if a severe injury occurs. This medication is taken as a pill, twice per day, with or without food. Under its generic name, Apixaban, you can save a ton of money on this medication, especially if you have a prescription savings coupon.


  • Fewer side effects
  • For atrial fibrillation
  • Taken twice per day


Coumadin, also known as warfarin, is another one of the most popular blood thinners prescribed by doctors. It is taken as a pill once per day but comes with more side effects than Eliquis. More commonly, it is used to treat deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, by eliminating clotting proteins in the body and preventing new ones from forming, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. It can also treat clots due to heart conditions and complications from hip replacement surgery. When taking Coumadin, doctors will monitor you closely to ensure you are getting the right dosage of medication as it is a stronger kind of blood thinner that can tend to work too well. Patients taking this medication should avoid foods containing vitamin K as they will aid in blood clotting. Additionally, you should never diet before taking to a doctor as this can also affect how well Coumadin works. Side effects include nausea, stomach ache, and loss of appetite.


  • Take just once a day
  • Requires monitoring
  • Causes stomach problems


Arixtra is a different kind of blood-thinning medication that works fast to eliminate clots. It is administered subcutaneously via a syringe. It only needs to be injected once a day but should be injected carefully as to not hit the muscle - which can be painful. Dosages will vary depending on the patient. The medication is commonly prescribed to women who are also taking Coumadin or Eliquis. It can treat blood clots for a wide-variety of causes. Side effects of Arixtra are usually due to the injection itself unless there is an allergic reaction. Pain at the injection site, as well as redness, swelling and bruising are common side effects. However, these effects usually do not last for a prolonged period of time.


  • Administered subcutaneously
  • Can be used with other blood thinners
  • Side effects are minimal


Don’t ignore a blood clot problem, or it may lead to a heart attack or stroke. With a variety of blood thinners available to women, you can get the treatment you need to save your life. Talk to your doctor about any one of the blood thinners mentioned above to learn more.