
Designer handbags provide style and sophistication - at a price. However, you don’t have to spend too much on your favorite designer purse. Many shoppers who have owned a designer handbag, much less held one, know just how much better it feels than a poor quality knockoff or overly mass-produced lower brand. Unfortunately, even the designer bags on the lower end of the price spectrum still aren’t as affordable as more common purses. Nevertheless, great deals are out there for those who are willing to look in the right places. Three of these places are Macy’s,, and Nordstrom Rack. While all three of these retailers sell a lot more than just handbags, they each offer surprisingly great selections - and even better deals - on designer bags across a wide range of brands. Read on to find out more about getting great deals on designer handbags from these retailers.

Good Deals on Designer Handbags

  • Macy’s
  • Nordstrom Rack


This well-known department store has a decent selection of in-store designer handbags and an even better range online. The best deals on designer handbags can be found in their Sales & Clearance section, which is surprisingly easy to find thanks to the website’s user-friendly interface (customers can even search by specific deals, in addition to designers and handbag styles). Here, it’s not uncommon to find 25 percent off or more on designers like Michael Kors, Coach, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger and Giani Bernini. Some typical examples are the Michael Kors Signature Jet Set Chain Shoulder Bag, marked down to $148 from $198, and the Coach Signature Parker Shoulder Bag, now $210 instead of $350. Macy’s Rewards members can also receive points on most sales items, which they can put toward future purchases for additional savings. 


  • Website is very user friendly, making it easy to search for deals
  • Easy to find 25 percent off or more on designer handbags
  • Macy’s Rewards members can earn points for future savings

This is an online-only retailer that sells a very wide range of items, but they have been growing their designer handbag inventory over the past several years. They generally offer these purses at lower prices than other retailers thanks to the nature of the website (they are stocked with samples and overstocked items from other stores), but the even better news is that they also offer additional sales and savings throughout the year. For example, 15 percent off is currently offered on a large selection of designer handbags, such as the Kate Spade Cameron Street Small Black Jensen Tote Bag (now $273, down from $303.59). They are also offering free shipping on most items. While it’s not necessary to be a member to shop at Overstock, Club O members are eligible for 5 percent rewards points with each purchase they make. 


  • 15 percent off is currently being offered on designer handbags
  • Free shipping available
  • Club O members get 5 percent rewards with each purchase

Nordstrom Rack

Nordstrom Rack stores are great places in general to find deals either online or at their physical locations, and it’s not uncommon to see names like Marc Jacobs, Steve Madden, Sam Edelman, Michael Kors and Rebecca Minkoff (check out the Rebecca Minkoff Mini 4 Zip Pebbled Leather Shoulder Bag, now $67.48 instead of its original $195). While very high-end designer names like Gucci and Prada are not as common among this store’s handbag selections, they are not impossible to find (and they do happen to be common when it comes to other accessories). The Nordstrom Rack website is also notable for being among the most user-friendly of its kind, organizing all handbags by style (crossbody, bucket bags, hobo, tote, etc.) while also allowing customers to search specifically by designer brand name. Online shoppers will also receive free shipping on orders at $100 or more. 


  • Sales include bags for over 50 percent off
  • User-friendly website that allows shoppers to search by bag style and brand
  • Orders over $100 get free shipping


Take advantage of the latest deals on high quality designer handbags from these retailers before it’s too late!