
While diving into the field of theology is not for everyone, there is a myriad of programs available online for people wishing to pursue a theology degrees. Choosing the best program for your needs and personal convictions is essential if you plan on working as a member of the clergy or within a religious sect after graduating. In addition to opening doors to work in churches, ministries and other religious-based fields, theology degrees can also open doors in teaching, communications and other fields. Some of the top schools offering online theology programs include Lee University, Holy Apostles College and Seminary, Moody Bible Institute, and the Apex School of Theology. If you’re interested in pursuing an education in theology, read on to learn more about these top-rated options.

Top 5 Theology Degrees Online

  • Apex School of Theology
  • Holy Apostles College and Seminary
  • Moody Bible Institute
  • Welch College
  • Lee University

Apex School of Theology

Apex School of Theology is the most affordable method of obtaining a theology degree online, at $4,900 annually for tuition. Courses include “Making of the Bible”, “Church History”, and “Introduction to Biblical Languages” for anyone seeking a position in the religious sector upon graduating. Apex reports 100% graduation rate and completion of degree among students, while Prowler states in a report than 90% of attendees are satisfied and happy with their educational institution of choice. Additionally, electives are also available for students to choose from when opting for an online education. Students have more options in course selection to obtain the education that is most fitting to their academic goals.


  • Affordable tuition
  • High graduation rates
  • Electives available

Holy Apostles College and Seminary

Holy Apostles College and Seminary is affordable for many students who are looking to avoid further debt, at $10,470 each year in tuition. The college and seminary provides a bachelor’s degree in Christian Studies. The college and seminary also offers supplementary courses including philosophy, theological reading and writing, and theology. Taking courses in moral and dogmatic theology and scripture is also possible. According to Prowler, Holy Apostles College and Seminary is ranked as its top school for those studying theology, with a low faculty to student ratio, affordable tuition, and a continued success of delivering top professors and mentors within the program.


  • Highly ranked for its theology programs
  • Low faculty-to-student ratio
  • Among the lowest tuition rates

Moody Bible Institute

The Moody Bible Institute includes tuition for all students at $11,356 annually while providing an online bachelor of arts or sciences in Bible and Theology along with Christian Studies. All courses from Moody Bible Institute are conducted online with flexible schedule options in place.

The degrees from the Moody Bible Institute also offer supplementary certificate options for students. Once a student has graduated from Moody Bible Institute, he or she may qualify to move forward into additional opportunities such as obtaining a Master’s in Ministry Studies. There are additional supplementary certificate options available for students, ranging from Pastoral Studies and Christian Leadership to Christian Education and Intercultural Studies. Moody is ranked 2nd out of the 15 Best Colleges for Studying the Bible online.


  • Certification programs available
  • Ranked highly among Bible colleges
  • Bachelor of arts and science programs

Welch College

Welch College provides an accredited institution catering to individuals who are seeking various positions in the religious sector of the workforce once they graduate. Tuition for Welch College is $12,82 annually for all students. Obtaining a theology degree is ideal for those interested in working as a minister, pastor, or another member of the clergy based on their beliefs and the career path they most desire.

With Welch College, it is possible to obtain a bachelor’s degree in General Christian Ministry and Theological Studies. The curriculum from Welch college also involves teaching “Lifetime Fitness”, “Biblical Interpretation”, along with “Marriage and the Family”. The college provide courses for students who require flexible schedules.


  • Earn a bachelor’s degree
  • Affordable tuition
  • Lifetime fitbess is a key component of education

Lee University

If you are a student pursuing a degree in Theology, Lee University provides various paths to pursue based on your goals once you have graduated. Courses ranging from Ministry Leadership, Theology itself, and Ministry Leadership are just a few to get started. Lee University’s tuition $13,750 annually, making it affordable to most.

The online courses are designed to be highly flexible for those who have a family or additional jobs to tend to. There are also supplementary certificate options that include Pastoral Studies, Intercultural Studies, Christian Education, and Christian Leadership from the university. Lee Universities continuously ranks in one of the best top 100 schools in the south today.


  • Flexible online courses
  • Affordable annual tuition
  • Supplementary certificates available


Finding the right theology degree online requires a bit of research based on accreditation, faculty, pricing, overall costs, and the overall teaching courses available that are most suited for you. Prior to finding the right theology degree that fits you personally, be sure to review courses offered and their meaning to you to ensure you are taking on the right sector of study, regardless of the field you may want to go into in the future.