
The growth of the health services industry continues to remain steady, creating the need for qualified workers. Those training for jobs within the health industry are more likely to secure the positions they desire, especially in medical billing and coding. The career outlook for billing and coding specialists is expected to grow by about 22 percent between 2014 and 2024. The training for billing and coding specialists generally requires a postsecondary certificate. However, you could choose to obtain a four-year degree if you want to further your career in health management or a similar occupation. There are several billing and coding schools to choose from. Here are the top five 

Top 5 Billing and Coding Schools Online

  • Keiser University
  • Ultimate Medical Academy
  • Herzing University
  • Columbus State Community College
  • Kaplan University

Keiser University

This Florida-based school provides a variety of educational services both online and on campus. They also partner with employers and the community to help each student achieve their career goals. For instance, you may want to start out in the billing and coding department. Then, maybe you later would become a department head of a hospital wing. Otherwise, you could use your acquired knowledge to maybe become a nurse or doctor with any additional training that would later require.


  • Practical, hands-on training and flexible scheduling
  • Degree and diploma programs 100% online
  • Attend one class at a time

Ultimate Medical Academy

This Florida school, which is accredited by the Bureau of Health and Education schools, also is a member of the National Healthcare Association. Diploma programs run for shorter times, and you also could sign up for the associate degree program that runs for a maximum of 74 weeks. Perhaps you could first become a billing and coding specialist. Then, you could continue your training and maybe one day run an entire department at a hospital, clinic or doctors’ office.


  • 100% online training
  • Diploma or degree programs
  • Course completion in 10-17 months

Herzing University

This school trains people for future placement in doctors’ offices, home healthcare agencies and outpatient care centers. Employment at hospitals, nursing homes or residential health care facilities is also possible. If you enroll in this school’s online program, you will take classes like anatomy and physiology in addition to your billing and coding procedure training. All of this could prepare you for other medical careers in the future. For instance, maybe you will want to manage a health facility or become a nurse or doctor. No matter what career path you choose, your billing and coding career could be your foot in the door after training with Herzing.


  • Skill-specific training
  • Preparation for work in a variety of environments
  • Online health classes included with billing and coding training

Columbus State Community College

Known for its 88 percent graduation rate, this school Columbus, Ohio school might be the right choice for you. This school has a medical coding certification program that is about 22 credits in length. This certificate learning track is part of the school’s Health Information Technology division. Graduates will have the ability to review, code, classify and index patient diagnoses required for accounting purposes. You will then perhaps take up an interest in other medical careers and can continue your education even while working.


  • Completion of medical coding certificate in three semesters
  • Option to pursue an advanced degree program
  • Partial online and on-campus training

Kaplan University

This school offers a combination of real-world experience and practical classroom training. You receive a well-rounded education relevant to your occupation. However, you also would complete classes such as anatomy and physiology to give you a broader perspective of the context in which you would work. In addition, you will become aware of important medical terminology used in your line of work.


  • Certificate, associate and degree programs
  • Program completion from 42-72 weeks
  • Online or offline training and job search assistance

Cost, schedule flexibility, and duration of program are among the reasons for choosing these schools. You might also want the freedom to not be required to attend a class. Conversely, maybe you are a person who would prefer training that also includes some brick-and-mortar class attendance. Whatever your preferences are, these schools have been recommended on popular review sites.