Online high school programs are becoming increasingly popular as many families choose to school their children in non-traditional ways while still providing them a quality education. We took a look at a wide range of online high school programs, all of which are accredited, in order to bring you the top three online high school diploma programs. These programs range from University led schools to private K-12 online schools. These options also offer AP and gifted courses in addition to a standard curriculum. If you are interested in an alternative education path for your child, keep reading to learn more about the International Learning Academy, Laurel Springs School, and University of Nebraska High School.
Top 3 Online High School Diploma Programs
- International Virtual Learning Academy
- Laurel Springs School
- University of Nebraska High School
International Virtual Learning Academy
This private online school offers classes for K-12 and has different levels of classes depending on your child’s ability. IVLA offers standard classes for the attainment of a high school diploma, as well as honors and AP courses. Their entire curriculum spans over 350 total classes across all subjects. The tuition regardless of whether you are enrolled in standard, gifted, or AP classes is approximately $430 per year. The Academy also offers both a secular and a religious track if you are seeking a spiritual component to your child’s online high school education.
- Each curriculum track is approximately an affordable $430 for one year of coursework
- Private K-12 education that offers standard, AP, and gifted classes
- Offers over 350 different classes
Laurel Springs School
This accredited K-12 online program offers over 150 classes in both standard and gifted modules. There are also AP and honors courses for those students that meet the academic requirements. This school places a lot of importance on secondary education, and an impressive 91% of Laurel Springs School graduates accepted into their first choice college. Tuition is less affordable than some of its counterparts, but the school does offer discounts when students register for an entire year rather than just one semester. Classes range from $690 - $990 without the discount. If college is a goal for your child’s future, the Laurel Springs School is a sound choice.
- High college acceptance rate for graduates
- Discounts on tuition costs for full-year enrollment
- AP, honors, gifted, and standard classes available
University of Nebraska High School
This high school program is fully online and offers many different classes for students from around the world. As one of the top International Diploma providers, this online program is popular with students from around the world who would like to attend college in the United States. The program offers over 150 high school classes at the standard, AP, gifted, and honors levels. Tuition is affordable for all students and lower for residents of Nebraska at $150 per semester while out-of-state student tuition is $200 per semester. There is no discount for enrolling in the full year as is the case with other programs.
- Affordable tuition of $150 - $200 per semester depending on your residency
- International Diplomas available to students looking to attend college in the US
- Standard, gifted, AP, and honors courses are available
Online high school diploma programs are becoming more mainstream as many families are pursuing less traditional educational tracks for their children. These top three online high school diploma programs are all accredited and offer high-level educational options for your family.