
While it seems that marketing has left the hardcopy direct mail behind with email, social media, and internet ads, sending a professionally designed flyer or brochure to a targeted neighborhood still represents a good return on your advertising dollar, especially for small and local businesses. However, when looking for a company to create eye-catching material that is not immediately sent to the recycling bin you need to find one that can provide high quality, effective mailing lists, and a pricing structure that works with your budget. We’ve provided three of the best-rated direct mailing companies with a brief review of their ability to help you connect with your potential customers. The top 3 direct mailing companies are Modern Postcard,, and Print Label and Mail. Read on to learn more about these top-rated options.

Top 3 Direct Mailing Companies

  • Modern Postcard
  • Print Label and Mail

Modern Postcard

Our top-rated direct mailing company has a higher rate for their packages of 5,000 flyers or brochures, but the effectiveness of their services edges out the competition in consistency and quality. The mailing lists they provide to their customers are carefully audited for accuracy, removing duplicate addresses to improve the reach of each piece that you send out. The time between placing your order and sending out the mail is a quick four days, ensuring that you can execute time sensitive campaigns knowing that your customer base will receive the information you are sharing when it counts. Once your account is set up, it’s simple to maintain separate lists according to demographics and location, allowing you to effectively target your audience for the best-possible outcome. They have responsive customer service, ready to assist you with any questions. Their Live Chat support provides immediate assistance when your deadline cannot wait. It’s a service that truly sets Modern Postcard above the rest of the competition.


  • Quick four day turnaround
  • Live Chat support
  • Excellent Mailing List Maintenance

With the .com integrated in their name, has targeted the budget conscious online user of direct mail services with lower production prices than the other leading competitors. While you can save as much as a thousand dollars on 5,000 brochures, the quality of paper, color and design may not be up to your high standards. There is no setup fee, which is a $250 incentive to sign on with them, but the quality of their mailing lists isn’t as high. They may impose a limit on the number of pieces that they will send out per day on your behalf, but with a four day turn around for smaller direct mail campaigns, you still receive excellent service for a lower price. They take care of all the standard items such as labels, stuffing envelopes and a design consultant but more of the entire process is left in your hands. You will need to wait for their customer service to respond to your email inquiry.


  • Lower prices
  • No Set Up Fee
  • Fast turnaround

Print Label and Mail

This option provides quality brochures at a slightly lower price, with no limits on the number of items to be sent out. They do include tracking information to help you understand when your material actually arrives in your potential customer’s mailboxes. There is an eco-friendly printing option using vegetable inks, which in our green economy can make a difference when reaching out to potential users of your services. Their support centers are helpful, but no online FAQ is available when trying to personally troubleshoot a situation. Add one more day for print to mail turnaround, but when considering the price and quality of printed materials, they still represent an affordable product that has an effective demographic reach.


  • Tracking information
  • Eco-friendly option
  • Lower Price


Searching for a quality direct mail company can be a monumental task. By selecting one of these three top 3 direct mail companies you should receive excellent print and design services for a competitive price with effective support.