
Cyber security has grown into an established career path, and students looking to secure their degrees online have many options. Here, we’ll take a look at some of the best accredited cyber security degree programs that are currently offered online. We’ve compiled information on the top three programs below. You will need a Bachelor Degree for this career, and most colleges that specialize in cyber security offer these programs to online students. By enrolling in online studies, you can earn your degree from a well-respected school while having the added convenience of studying from home.

Top 3 Online Cyber Security Degree Programs

  • Johns Hopkins University
  • University of Arizona
  • Drexel University

Read on to learn more about the best places to study cyber security online.

Johns Hopkins University

The Whiting School of Engineering offers an online Computer Science BS degree that has a cyber security track. This program is $1,100 per course and requires 126 credits to obtain your degree. The Information Security Track allows for real-world defense against cyber targets and malware. The degree takes eight semesters to complete and students will receive foundation courses in Java programming, data structures, cryptology, and algorithms. The course also studies the realities of ethical hacking. Alumni from this online program are heavily recruited from such Silicon Valley powerhouses as Microsoft, Oracle, and Google.


  • BS degree from prestigious Johns Hopkins University
  • Offers summer on-campus intensive program for online students
  • High recruitment by top tech companies like Microsoft, Oracle, and Google

University of Arizona

For students that already hold an Associate’s Degree in Cyber Security, the University of Arizona offers an online degree continuation program for Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Cyber Operations. The course is affordable at $490 per unit and the University will work with you to ensure that all prior relevant coursework is credited. The course requires 60 credits and the subject matter includes cyber ethics, malware, and creating secure software environments. Courses begin every two months and are available for students with a 2.5 or higher GPA. This program is a good fit for those looking to enhance their current education and credentials.


  • Associate Degree holders can continue their education and receive a BAS in Cyber Operations
  • Strong student to faculty ratio of 15:1
  • Does not require Associate Degree holders to start all over again to attain their BAS

Drexel University

This college offers a Computing and Technology Security degree from their Drexel Online division. The degree is offered in 10-week semesters and the cost is $489 per credit. This self-paced online program is ideal for students that may be returning to college in order to alter their current career path. The University offers accelerated credits so be sure to check to see if any of your prior courses will be accepted. The Computer Security Concentration offers courses in security, data integrity, disaster protocols, mobile applications, and study of the architecture of computer systems. All graduates of the online program will be able to qualify for governmental and NGO security clearances like the CCNA Cyber Ops and Oracle 9i DBA.


  • Self-paced and fully online degree program
  • Program will accept credits from other institutions that are relevant
  • Graduates will be able to qualify for CCNA Cyber Ops and other certifications


Cyber security is a growing career option and with a degree from one of the top three online cyber security degree programs you will be ready to get started on this exciting career path!