
Looking to install new carpet? Carpets get old and fast, needing replacement before you know it due to irreversible stains, pet damage or even normal wear and tear. If your home is in need of new carpeting it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg for carpet and installation. By doing some research, you can find carpet and installation services at the right price, with plenty of options and flexibility. The right carpet installer can rip out the old carpet and install new carpet in almost no time at all. There are plenty of places to find local carpet installers, or you can hire a nationwide company.  If you need new carpet, don’t wait. Have your old home looking like new with brand-new carpet and installation. Read on to find out more.

Carpet and Installation

  • Finding a Local Flooring Installer
  • Nationwide Options
  • Choosing a New Carpet

Finding a Local Flooring Installer

The best place to find a local flooring installer is with Home Advisor. On Home Advisor you can find a flooring expert that specializes in carpet installation. You can search for local flooring installers in your area, but make sure to choose carpeting as your material of preference. From there you’ll have a list of carpet installers to choose from. You’ll want to be sure to call for estimates on pricing and weigh your options. Some may just charge for the price of the carpet, while others may also charge for installation. Be sure to choose one that offers low cost or free installation as that is the best way to keep the price down, unless for some reason the cost of the carpeting exceeds installation.


  • Use Home Advisor to find local installers
  • Search flooring installation and select carpeting
  • Compare prices

Nationwide Options

You’ll find plenty of nationwide companies that sell carpet and offer installation as well. Do-it-yourself home improvement stores like Home Depot and Lowes offer numerous carpeting options to choose from and low-cost installation. At Home Depot, you can get your home professionally measured to determine how much carpet you need. Home Depot offers quality carpeting and professional installation. For orders of $700 or more, Home Depot will install carpeting for free. Additionally, they offer financing options if you don’t want to pay all at once. Lowes also offers all of these options including free installation for orders of $700 and financing options with up to 5% off. Lowes labor costs come with a one-year warranty.


  • Financing options offered
  • Free carpet installation
  • One-year warranty at Lowes

Choosing a Carpet

Once you’ve found a carpet installation company, its time to choose your carpet. The best way to look at samples is to go to the place of business and ask to see them. If you want to be able to see how they look in the home, you may be able to take samples home. At Home Depot you can pick up samples of carpet to compare the different types and colors offered or you can make an appointment with a flooring expert that will help you decide on the right carpet. If you can’t make it to the place of business, you may be able to request someone at your home that can go through the options available to you. If you want the same color as you currently have in your home, be sure to have a sample of your carpeting ready so that the installer can help you find the perfect match.


  • Make an appointment
  • Ask for samples
  • Bring your own samples to match your home


Installing carpet can be a pretty big deal, but it doesn’t have to drain your wallet dry. You can find inexpensive carpeting and installation by looking for a local flooring installer or home improvement store like Home Depot or Lowes. Make your home new again with the right carpet and installation services.