
Donating to a good cause may seem easy in theory but when you consider all you hear about scams and such it can become more complicated. What you need is to find a cause that speaks to your heart, has a history of open disclosure about how they spend their donations, and one that you know has a proven record of accomplishing its goals over time. The top organizations all have open policies regarding finances, have been around long enough to show stability, and spend between 89 and 95 percent of all donations on their stated goals. If you are looking for a reputable organization to donate to, starting with one of these three is your best bet.

Top Charities

  • Paws for Purple Hearts
  • The Trevor Project
  • National Council on Aging

Paws for Purple Hearts

PTSD is one of the most often faced disorders suffered by veterans. Paws for Purple Hearts has a goal of helping those suffering from PTSD find a way to bring security and success back into their lives. With current research showing this disorder is often helped immensely by working with a support dog, that is where the focus of this organization lies. The main concentration of Paws for Purple Hearts is to provide a structured environment led by dog training experts and pairing veterans with PTSD with a support animal to train. These animals are then sent into VA centers to visit patients, paired with Wounded Warriors, who are veterans needing full-time support or service animals, and placing support animals in places where veterans may need support such as clinics. Those who receive a trained dog benefit but so does the veteran who trains the service dog because they are able to regain their sense of focus and success, which many with PTSD have lost track of during their suffering.


  • Use proven training methods
  • Provide animals for a variety of settings
  • Address different aspects of PTSD

The Trevor Project

Suicide among members of the LGBTQ community has always been higher than the national average. This is, even more, the case with youth between the ages of 13 and 24. The Trevor Project was created as a means of crisis intervention and suicide prevention in this segment of the population. The group runs crisis intervention lines but it does much more. The Trevor Project provides speakers for events that are made to reach out to at-risk individuals. They offer educational resources and training for those adults who come into regular contact with LGBTQ youth, helping them recognize issues and intervene before tragedy strikes.


  • Focus on a high at-risk population
  • Offer training to prevent a crisis as well as crises intervention
  • National presence

National Council on Aging

As our population becomes an increasingly aging one, it is important that our elderly population is recognized and taken care of. This organization is an umbrella one that provides support for legislation that benefits the aging, programs that work to keep the elderly safe, and education that helps those in this population age with grace, remaining healthy and active as long as possible. Whether the subject is finding a way to afford decent housing to dealing with elderly abuse or helping someone manage pain, you can find the National Council of Aging somewhere involved.


  • Creates the necessary resources where needed
  • Works with individuals and groups
  • Involved in all aspects of aging


When you donate your hard-earned money to a project you care deeply about you can be sure that Paws for Purple Hearts, The Trevor Project, or the National Council on Aging will show their appreciation by using it to further their goals on making this world a better place for the segments of the population they work with.